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刘春军,现任中国医学科学院整形外科医院乳腺综合整形科主任,主任医师,教授,北京协和医学院研究生导师。北京协和医学院博士、美国斯坦福大学博士后。现任中国人体健康科技促进会乳房再造专委会主任委员兼秘书长,中华整形外科学会青委会副主任委员,中国妇幼保健协会医美专业委员会副主任委员,中华医学会整形外科学分会乳房整形学组委员,北京医学美学与美容学学会委员,北京显微外科学会委员, 美国整形外科学会会员(ASPS),国际美容整形外科学会会员(ISAPS)。临床专长为乳房整形美容,乳房重建再造,乳癌术后淋巴水肿治疗。科研方向:三维数字化/人工智能技术,血管化组织移植,淋巴水肿。刘春军教授带领的团队目前已公开发表国内外学术论文90余篇,在国际上率先建立了应用三维扫描技术进行乳房整形与再造术前评估、手术方案辅助实施、术后对比的标准化评估体系。刘春军教授担任《Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery》原书第二版中文译著《乳房肿瘤整形与再造》的主译。
Team Profile
刘春军教授团队专注于乳房整形与再造、皮瓣移植以及淋巴水肿的临床与基础研究, 希望对乳房整形与再造、皮瓣移植、淋巴水肿、显微外科等学术方向有兴趣的优秀青年加入刘春军教授课题组! 近5年相关的研究项目和研究进展如下: (一)乳房整形与再造的三维数字化技术。 在乳腺肿瘤整形、乳房美容整形、乳房缺失的修复再造领域,刘春军教授专注于应用三维数字扫描技术、CT三维重建与人工智能技术进行术前评估、术中导航与术后随访,以期改善手术的精确性和效果。目前相关在研科研项目2项,既往在 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Breast Care,Aesthetic Plastic Surgery等乳房整形期刊上发表了多篇研究论文。 研究项目: 1. 乳腺肿瘤整形与乳房再造的系统诊疗策略与关键技术创新,省部级课题; 2. 人工智能穿支血管导航下的腹壁下动脉穿支皮瓣乳房再造术,横向课题; (二)自体皮瓣组织移植的基础和临床研究。 在皮瓣移植方面,刘春军教授团队深入探索皮瓣的生物学特性和移植手术的技术细节。研究关注于不同类型皮瓣的选择、皮瓣血运的评估以及术后快速康复的改善策略。团队在临床中长期从事自体皮瓣乳房再造的工作,皮瓣成功率保持在98%以上,处于国际先进,国内领先水平。既往在Annals of Surgical Oncology, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Breast Care,Aesthetic Plastic Surgery等期刊上发表了多篇研究论文。 研究项目: 1. HIF-1α在阶梯性负压吸引预处理中促进皮瓣血管新生的机制,院校级课题; (三)淋巴水肿的基础和临床研究。 在淋巴水肿研究领域,本课题组致力于深入理解淋巴系统的生理学和病理学机制,尤其是淋巴循环障碍导致的组织炎症和纤维化的病理机制。临床方面,本团队擅长应用血管化淋巴结移植术、淋巴管静脉吻合术治疗乳腺癌术后淋巴水肿。相关研究成果发表于Gland Surgery,Lymphatic Research and Biology等淋巴外科专业期刊。 研究项目: 1. 腹壁下动脉穿支皮瓣联合血管化淋巴结移植同期进行乳房再造和上肢淋巴水肿治疗,院校级课题;
硕士研究生 3 名,博士研究生 0 名
# | 项目名称 | 起止日期 | 金额 | 项目类型 | 本人角色 |
1 | 人工智能穿支血管导航下的腹壁下动脉穿支皮瓣乳房再造术 | 2023-04-01 —— | 20万元 | 主持的企业/行业委托重大项目 | 主持者 |
2 | HIF-1α在阶梯性负压吸引预处理中促进皮瓣血管新生的机制 | 2020-10-01 —— | 20万元 | 主持在研的国家或省部级科研项目 | 主持者 |
3 | 乳腺肿瘤整形与乳房再造的系统诊疗策略与关键技 术创新 | 2024-01 —— 2026-12 | 100万元 | 主持在研的国家或省部级科研项目 | 主持人 |
# | 论文题目 | 期刊名称 | 发表年份 | 论文署名 |
1 | Deconstructing the Reconstruction: Evaluation of Process and Efficiency in Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator Flaps. | Plast Reconstr Surg. | 2022-07-14 | 刘春军 |
2 | Microsurgical Breast Reconstruction in the Obese: A Better Option Than Tissue Expander/Implant Reconstruction? | Plast Reconstr Surg. | 2022-07-14 | 刘春军 |
3 | 三维扫描技术检测呼吸状态对乳房整形术后体积变化的影响 | 组织工程与重建外科杂志 | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
4 | Prevention and Management of Double-Bubble Deformity in Augmentation Mammoplasty. | Aesthetic Plast Surg. | 2022-07-13 | 刘春军 |
5 | When to assess the flap perfusion by introperative indocyanine green angiography(ICGA): On the donor site or the recipient site? | Breast | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
6 | "Evaluation of Acellular Dermal Matrix Efficacy in Prosthesis-Based Breast Reconstruction." | Plastic Reconstructive Surgery | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
7 | 保妥适面部注射除皱致全身过敏性皮疹一例 | 中国美容整形外科杂志 | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
8 | "Opinions on Treatment of Breast Animation Deformity with Selective Nerve Ablation" | Aesthetic Plast Surg | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
9 | 乳房缺失患者生活质量与乳房再造手术相关性的量化研究. | 中华整形外科杂志 | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
10 | A Sequence in Recipient-Site Selection in Stacked Free Flap Breast Reconstruction: Cranial and Caudal Internal Mammary Vessels prior to Other Alternatives. | Plast Reconstr Surg. | 2022-07-14 | 刘春军 |
11 | Outcome Analysis of Expander/Implant Versus Microsurgical Abdominal Flap Breast Reconstruction: A Critical Study of 254 Cases. | Ann Surg Oncol | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
12 | 三维扫描技术测量隆乳术后乳房体积变化的研究 | 中国美容医学 | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
13 | Tailored DIEP Flap Insetting Algorithm: An Innovative Research. | Plast Reconstr Surg | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
14 | Chest Wall Reconstruction in Male Poland Syndrome Patients with Endoscopic-Assisted Latissimus Dorsi Muscle Flap Transfer. | J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. | 2022-07-13 | 刘春军 |
15 | Impact of types of postmastectomy reconstruction on complications and patient-reported outcomes in obese group. | Plast Reconstr Surg. | 2022-07-14 | 刘春军 |
16 | Three-Dimensional Imaging of Two-Stage Breast Reconstruction with Implant. | Aesthetic Plast Surg. | 2022-07-14 | 刘春军 |
17 | The Incidence of Proliferative Lesions and Breast Cancer in Reduction Mammaplasty. | Plast Reconstr Surg | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
18 | Visualizing the Pharmacologic Preconditioning Effect of Botulinum Toxin Type A by Infrared Thermography in a Rat Pedicled Perforator Island Flap Model. | Plast Reconstr Surg. | 2022-07-14 | 刘春军 |
19 | 'Autologous Fat Grafting as a Novel Antiestrogen Vehicle for the Treatment of Breast Cancer." | Plastic Reconstructive Surgery | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
20 | Quality and Quantity-Cultured Human Mononuclear Cells Improve Human Fat Graft Vascularization and Survival in an In Vivo Murine Experimental Model. | Plast Reconstr Surg. | 2022-07-13 | 刘春军 |
21 | 兔颈部及耳部血管解剖铸型的研究 | 中国美容整形外科杂志 | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
22 | Is Pregnancy Following a TRAM or DIEP Flap Safe? A Critical Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. | Aesthetic Plast Surg. | 2022-07-13 | 刘春军 |
23 | Autologous Breast Reconstruction with SIEA Flaps: Patient Selection and Limitation. | Aesthetic Plast Surg. | 2022-07-14 | 刘春军 |
24 | 乳房对称性的三维数字化分析 | 中华整形外科杂志 | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
25 | Effect of Endothelial Growth Factor on Flap Surgical Delay. | Plast Reconstr Surg | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
26 | The possible mechanism of the effects of inflammatory response to the donor site on long-term retention of a fat graft in the recipient site. | J Cell Physiol. | 2022-07-13 | 刘春军 |
27 | Invited Response on: Comment on Balancing Nipple and Inframammary Fold in Transaxillary Augmentation Mammaplasty with Anatomical Implant: The 'NIMF' Classification and Surgical Algorithm. | Aesthetic Plast Surg. | 2022-07-13 | 刘春军 |
28 | Application of imaging in lymphedema surgical therapies. | Gland Surg. | 2022-07-14 | 刘春军 |
29 | Several Opinions on Preoperative and Postoperative Assessment of Rectus Abdominis Muscle Size and Function following DIEP Flap Surgery. | Plast Reconstr Surg | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
30 | Effect of Endothelial Growth Factor on Flap Surgical Delay. | Plast Reconstr Surg | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
31 | Symmastia after Breast Augmentation with Fat Grafting: Report of a Rare Case. | Plast Reconstr Surg. | 2022-07-14 | 刘春军 |
32 | "The reliability of evaluating flap survival with Infrared Thermography and the mechanism of improving flap survival by Botulinum Toxin Type A". | Plast Reconstr Surg. | 2022-07-14 | 刘春军 |
33 | Breast Reconstruction in Poland Syndrome Patients with Latissimus Dorsi Myo Flap and Implant: An Efficient Endoscopic Approach Using Single Transverse Axillary Incision. | Aesthetic Plast Surg | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
34 | Balancing Nipple and Inframammary Fold in Transaxillary Augmentation Mammaplasty with Anatomical Implant: The 'NIMF' Classification and Surgical Algorithm. | Aesthetic Plast Surg. | 2022-07-13 | 刘春军 |
35 | 穿支皮瓣乳房再造的进展. | 组织工程与重建外科杂志 | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
36 | Several Opinions On Quantifying Dynamic Deformity After Dual Plane Breast Augmentation | Aesthetic Plast Surg | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
37 | 皮肤软组织扩张技术应用于儿童的并发症分析 | 中国美容整形外科杂志 | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
38 | Assessing Age as a Risk Factor for Complications in Autologous Breast Reconstruction. | Plast Reconstr Surg | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
39 | Assessment of Factors for Complication in Autologous Breast Reconstruction. | Plast Reconstr Surg | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
40 | How Do Positions of Nipple and Inframammary Fold Change After Autologous Breast Augmentation with Fat Grafting? | Aesthetic Plast Surg. | 2022-07-13 | 刘春军 |
41 | Does Standardized Practice Reduce Complications in Breast Augmentation Compared with Non-standardized One? | Aesthetic Plast Surg | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
42 | Measuring Volumetric Change after Augmentation Mammaplasty Using a Three-Dimensional Scanning Technique: An Innovative Method. | Aesthetic plastic surgery | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
43 | The Role of Three-Dimensional Scanning Technique in Evaluation of Breast Asymmetry in Breast Augmentation: A 100-Case Study | Plast Reconstr Surg | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
44 | 吲哚菁绿血管造影在皮瓣外科中的应用 | 中华整形外科杂志 | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
45 | “Opinions on The "Trick" Technique to Reposition the NAC in Female-to-male Transsexuals.” | Aesthetic Plast Surg | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
46 | 内窥镜下背阔肌切取术的研究进展. | 中华医学美学美容杂志 | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
47 | Indocyanine Green Angiography for Fat Necrosis Reduction in the Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator Flap. | Plast Reconstr Surg. | 2022-07-14 | 刘春军 |
48 | A Standard Three-dimensional Imaging Protocol Must Be Established for Breast Volume Measurement. | Aesthetic Plast Surg. | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
49 | Poland综合征诊疗的研究进展 | 组织工程与重建外科杂志 | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
50 | The Effect of Arm Position on Breast Volume Measurement Using Three-dimensional Imaging. | Aesthetic Plast Surg. | 2022-07-14 | 刘春军 |
51 | 乳房再造与乳腺癌患者的生活质量 | 中华整形外科杂志 | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
52 | Invited Response on: 'Breast Reconstruction in Poland Syndrome Patients with Latissimus Dorsi Myo Flap and Implant: An Efficient Endoscopic Approach Using Single Transverse Axillary Incision'. | Aesthetic Plast Surg. | 2022-07-14 | 刘春军 |
53 | Preoperative 3D Measurement-Based Periareolar Augmentation Mastopexy: Indication and "Breast Crown" approach. | Plast Reconstr Surg. | 2022-07-13 | 刘春军 |
54 | The Impact of Ammonium Chloride-Based Erythrocyte Lysis Process on Banked Adipose-Derived Stem Cells | Biopreserv Biobank | 2022-07-13 | 刘春军 |
55 | Does Respiration Influence Breast Volumetric Change Measurement with the Three-Dimensional Scanning Technique? | Aesthetic plastic surgery | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
56 | Impact of N-Acetylcysteine on Autologous Fat Graft: The Consideration of Blood Concentration. | Aesthetic Plast Surg. | 2022-07-14 | 刘春军 |
57 | Menstrual Cycle-Related Fluctuations in Breast Volume Measured Using Three-Dimensional Imaging: Implications for Volumetric Evaluation in Breast Augmentation | Aesthetic Plast Surg | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
58 | An Islanded Rabbit Auricular Skin Flap Model of Hyaluronic Acid Injection-Induced Embolism. | Aesthetic Plast Surg. | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
59 | Quality of life and patient satisfaction after microsurgical abdominal flap versus staged expander/implant breast reconstruction: a critical study of unilateral immediate breast reconstruction using patient-reported outcomes instrument BREAST-Q. | Breast Cancer Res Treat. | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
60 | "Breast Cleavage Remodeling with Fat Grafting: A Safe Way to Optimize Symmetry and to Reduce Intermammary Distance-Some Questions with Regard to the Research." | Plastic Reconstructive Surgery | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
61 | 54例乳房再造患者回顾性研究. | 中华整形外科杂志 | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
62 | Breast Reconstruction with Perforator Flaps in Poland Syndrome: Report of a Two-Stage Strategy and Literature Review. | Breast Care (Basel). | 2022-07-14 | 刘春军 |
63 | 探讨通过腋窝横切口内镜辅助背阔肌切取技术应用于修复Poland综合征胸部畸形的安全性和有效性 | 中华整形外科杂志 | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
64 | Analysis of Predictors of Perforator Selection in DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction. | Plast Reconstr Surg | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
65 | Tissue Expander Complications Do Not Preclude a Second Successful Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction. | Plast Reconstr Surg. | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
66 | Preoperative Factors Associated with the Volume Discrepancy Before LD Flap Breast Reconstruction | Aesthetic Plast Surg | 2022-07-12 | 刘春军 |
67 | The impact of lipidome on breast cancer: a Mendelian randomization study | Lipid Health Disease | 2024-04 | 通讯作者 |
68 | Postoperative Complications Following Prepectoral Versus Partial Subpectoral Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction Using ADM: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis | Aesthetic Plastic Surgery | 2023-08 | 通讯作者 |
69 | The Function of T Cell Immunity in Lymphedema: A Comprehensive Review | Lymphatic Research and Biology | 2023-12 | 通讯作者 |
70 | Preoperative Three-Dimensional Measurement-Based Periareolar Augmentation Mastopexy: Indication and Breast Crown Approach | Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery | 2022-08 | 通讯作者 |
71 | Novel Noninvasive Hybrid Flap Preconditioning (HFP) Surpasses Surgical Delay in the Murine Model | Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery | 2024-01 | 通讯作者 |
72 | Analysis of CD4 T-helper-associated hub gene signature and immune dysregulation via RNA-sequencing data in a mouse tail model of lymphedema | Gland Surgery | 2023-09 | 通讯作者 |
73 | Exploring the NRF2-TP53 Signaling Network Through Machine Learning and Pan-Cancer Analysis: Identifying Potential targets for Cancer Prognosis Related to Oxidative Stress | Advanced Biology | 2024-05 | 通讯作者 |
# | 获奖证书编号 | 奖项名称 | 获奖级别 | 获奖类别 | 获奖等级 | 获奖日期 | 颁奖单位 | 本单位是否为第一完成单位 | 完成单位排名 | 本人排序 | 备注 |
1 | 2017医-3-015-3 | 北京市科技奖 | 省部级 | 北京市科技奖 | 三等奖 | 2017-11-08 | 北京市人民政府 | 是 | 1 | 3 |
# | 成果类型 | 项目/专利/新品种名称 |
1 | 作为主创人员获得授权的发明专利和新品种 | 一种双环法隆乳加乳房上提术适应症的预测方法 |
2 | 出版高水平专著 | 《乳房肿瘤整形与再造》 |