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王增武,男,汉族,医学博士后,主任医师,博士生导师。现任中国医学科学院阜外医院,国家心血管病中心社区防治部主任。1990年毕业于内蒙古医学院临床医学系。1990-1997年在包头医学院第一附属医院内科工作,历任住院医师、主治医师、副主任医师。1997年进入中国医学科学院北京协和医学院阜外心血管病医院攻读博士学位,从事心血管病流行病学研究及心血管病防治,2002年获博士学位。2003年进入该院临床医学博士后流动站做博士后,从事冠心病的综合干预治疗研究。先后于2008年、2013年在比利时鲁汶大学心脏康复和高血压中心、加拿大渥太华大学心脏康复中心作访问学者。长期从事心血管病的科研、预防和临床治疗方面的工作,兼具预防和临床优势,主要致力于预防心血管病的研究及基层防治。作为主要参加人,参加了国家“九五”攻关课题“我国心血管病发病趋势预测及21世纪预防策略的研究”、“十五”攻关课题“冠心病、脑卒中综合危险度平估及干预方案的研究”、国家“十一五”支撑项目“高血压综合防治”的研究工作。负责了973项目“心力衰竭致猝死的危险性评估、预警体系建立及早期干预”子课题“心力衰竭患者危险评估”的研究。2009年作为卫生部“心血管疾病监测、预防预警和诊治技术推广”项目分课题负责人,具体组织落实高血压规范化管理和心血管病危险因素调查工作。2011年负责国家“十二五”支撑项目”农村心脑血管病防治关键技术集成与应用示范研究”工作,并为国家“十二五”支撑项目“中国重要心血管病患病率调查及关键技术研究”的执行负责人。2014年负责公益性行业专项“西藏新疆地区慢性心肺疾病现状调查研究”。2017年负责中国医学科学院医学与健康科技创新工程“环境及表观遗传与高血压/冠心病早期干预:基于环境和表观遗传的心血管疾病风险评估及早期干预研究”子课题。2017年负责国家科技部“重大慢性病疾病负担及防控策略研究:重大慢性性相关危险因素归因疾病负担”子课题。2020年负责卫健委“中国居民心脑血管病危险因素监测”项目实施。作为主要骨干,具体组织实施了卫生部国际合作项目“为人类健康携手:社区医疗卫生人员心血管病健康教育培训计划”,参与了北京市科委课题“基层医师高血压实用防治指南”的研究和制定工作,并负责组织了《高血压防治基层实用规范》在全国的推广活动 。作为项目办公室负责人,具体负责落实卫生部项目“全国高血压社区规范化管理”。在全国22个省、市、自治区,44家单位,2500余家社区卫生服务机构开展,在全国培训2.5万名基层医师。搭建了基于互联网的“心血管病防治技术服务平台”,持续地为基层提供专业性高标准的心血管病防治技术指导。负责组织《中国心血管健康与疾病报告》编辑工作。创立全国基层心血管病综合风险管理大会、全国高血压基层防治大会,已在全国各地连续成功举办十二届,受益基层医生近十万人次。现为国家心血管病中心专家委员会委员,国家基本公共卫生服务项目基层高血压管理专家委员会第一届委员兼副秘书长。并任北京高血压防治协会会长、高血压联盟(中国)常务理事。中国老年保健协会养老与健康专业委员会主任委员、中华预防医学会健康生活方式与社区卫生专业委员会副主任委员、中国卫生信息与健康医疗大数据学会慢病大数据应用发展联盟副主任委员。现任中华高血压杂志、中国循环杂志、中华健康管理杂志、中国循证心血管病医学杂志、心脑血管病防治杂志、中国医学前沿杂志(电子版)编委。在Circulation、JAMA Cardiology、Euro J Heart Failure 等国内外杂志发表学术论文近200篇,主译了美国《心脏康复和二级预防项目指南》和《心血管病实践—评估和治疗》,主编专著8部,参加编写专著14部。发明专利3项。
Team Profile
硕士研究生 7 名,博士研究生 3 名
# | 项目名称 | 起止日期 | 金额 | 项目类型 | 本人角色 |
1 | 云南省特有民族心脏瓣膜病流行特点及影响因素研究 | 2023-07-01 —— 2026-12 | 180.0 | 主持在研的国家或省部级科研项目 | 主持者 |
2 | 中国居民心脑血管事件监测 | 2021-01-01 —— 2026-12 | 1000.0 | 主持的企业/行业委托重大项目 | 主持者 |
3 | 基于移动健康技术的职业人群心血管病风险干预效果评价 | 2022-01-01 —— 2024-12 | 300.0 | 主持在研的国家或省部级科研项目 | 主持者 |
4 | 基于移动医疗的社区老年冠心病患者 二级预防和康复管理策略研究及效果评价 | 2024-01 —— 2026-12 | 97.76 | 主持在研的国家或省部级科研项目 | 主持人 |
5 | 基于智能穿戴APP的中青年人群高血压管理研究 | 2024-01 —— 2025-04 | 400 | 主持的企业/行业委托重大项目 | 主持人 |
# | 论文题目 | 期刊名称 | 发表年份 | 论文署名 |
1 | Rapid increasing burden of diabetes and cardiovascular disease caused by high body mass index in 1.25 million Chinese adults, 2005-2018 | MED | 2023-07-04 | 王增武 |
2 | Aspirin use in patients with diagnosed diabetes in the United States and China: Nationally representative analysis | Diabetes & Vascular Disease Research | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
3 | The burden of cardiovascular disease attributable to high systolic blood pressure across China, 2005-18: a population-based study | Lancet Public Health | 2023-07-04 | 王增武 |
4 | Effect of a Multicomponent Intervention Delivered on a Web-Based Platform on Hypertension Control: A Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial | JAMA Netw Open | 2023-07-04 | 王增武 |
5 | Long-Term Impacts of Diurnal Temperature Range on Mortality and Cardiovascular Disease: A Nationwide Prospective Cohort Study | Metabolites | 2023-07-04 | 王增武 |
6 | Workplace-based primary prevention intervention reduces incidence of hypertension: a post hoc analysis of cluster randomized controlled study | BMC Med | 2023-07-04 | 王增武 |
7 | Comparison of the Three Most Commonly Used Metabolic Syndrome Definitions in the Chinese Population: A Prospective Study | Metabolites | 2023-07-04 | 王增武 |
8 | 我国长寿家族史人群相关因素分析 | 心脑血管病防治 | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
9 | Circulating MicroRNA-423-3p Improves the Prediction of Coronary Artery Disease in a General Population: Six-year Follow-up Results from the China CVD Study | CIRCULATION JOURNAL | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
10 | Prevalence of Abdominal Obesity in China: Results from a Cross-Sectional Study of Nearly Half a Million Participants | Obesity | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
11 | Heart failure and left ventricular dysfunction in older patients with chronic kidney disease: the China Hypertension Survey (2012-2015) | Journal of Geriatric Cardiology | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
12 | Air temperature variability and high-sensitivity C reactive protein in a general population of China | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
13 | Social determinants status and hypertension: A Nationwide Cross-sectional Study in China | Journal of Clinical Hypertension | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
14 | Clinical outcomes and economic impact of the 2017 ACC/AHA guidelines on hypertension in China | Journal of Clinical Hypertension | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
15 | Central rather than brachial pressure are stronger predictors of cardiovascular outcomes: A longitudinal prospective study in a Chinese population | Journal of Clinical Hypertension | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
16 | 2012~2015年我国≥35岁人群血脂异常状况调查 | 中国循环杂志 | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
17 | Current status and etiology of valvular heart disease in China: a population-based survey | BMC Cardiovascular Disorders | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
18 | The Disease Burden of Atrial Fibrillation in China from a National Cross-sectional Survey | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
19 | Cost-effectiveness of nitrendipine plus hydrochlorothiazide or metoprolol to treat hypertension?in rural community health centers in China | JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
20 | Age at menarche and risk of hypertension in Chinese adult women: Results from a large representative nationwide population | Journal of Clinical Hypertension | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
21 | Clinical blood pressure responses to daily ambient temperature exposure in China: An analysis based on a representative nationwide population | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
22 | Geographic Variations in the Blood Pressure Responses to Short-Term Fine Particulate Matter Exposure in China | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
23 | Prevalence of heart failure?and left ventricular dysfunction in?China: the?China?Hypertension Survey | European Journal of Heart Failure | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
24 | Effects of a comprehensive intervention on hypertension control in Chinese employees working in universities based on mixed models | Scientific Reports | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
25 | Long-term temperature variability and the incidence of cardiovascular diseases: A large, representative cohort study in China | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
26 | 我国人群主要心血管病危险因素1982~2010年的变化 | 医学研究杂志 | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
27 | 我国职业场所高血压综合干预效果评价 | 中华流行病学杂志 | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
28 | Association of heating fuel types with mortality and cardiovascular events among non-smokers in China | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
29 | 西藏与新疆地区常见代谢危险因素组合特点及其与左心室舒张功能障碍的相关性研究 | 中国心血管病研究 | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
30 | Association of visceral and total body fat with?hypertension and prehypertension in middle-aged Chinese population | JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
31 | 我国中年人群高血压、超重和肥胖的发病率及其与心血管事件的关系 | 中华心血管病杂志 | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
32 | Geographic variations and potential macro- environmental exposure of hypertension: from the China hypertension survey | JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
33 | Assessing the validity of oscillometric device for blood pressure measurement in a large population-based epidemiological study | Journal of the American Society of Hypertension | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
34 | 我国35岁以上不同类型肥胖人群血脂异常患病现状 | 中国心血管病研究 | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
35 | Hypertension Control in Community Health Centers Across?China: Analysis of Antihypertensive Drug Treatment Patterns | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
36 | The Standardized Management of Hypertensive Employees Program. Prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control of hypertension among Chinese working population: results of a workplace-based study | Journal of the American Society of Hypertension | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
37 | Survey on Prevalence of Hypertension in China: Background, Aim, Method and Design | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
38 | Status of Hypertension in China: Results from the China Hypertension Survey | CIRCULATION | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
39 | Effect of a Workplace- Based Multicomponent Intervention on Hypertension Control: A Randomized Clinical Trial | JAMA Cardiology | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
40 | Metabolic Risk Factors and Left Ventricular Diastolic Function in Middle-Aged Chinese Living in the Tibetan Plateau. | Journal of the American Heart Association | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
41 | Prevalence of overweight and obesity in China: Results from a cross-sectional study of 441 thousand adults | Obesity Research & Clinical Practice | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
42 | Habitation Altitude and Left Ventricular Diastolic Function: A population-based Study | Journal of the American Heart Association | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
43 | Association of body composition assessed by bioelectrical impedance analysis with metabolic risk factor clustering among middle-aged Chinese | Preventive Medicine Reports | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
44 | A national study of the prevalence and risk factors associated with peripheral arterial disease from China: The China Hypertension Survey, 2012-2015 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
45 | Central systolic blood pressure is?associated with ethnicity and?cardiovascular disease risk factors in?Chinese middle-aged population | European Journal of Preventive Cardiology | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
46 | 我国老年人高血压现状分析 | 中华高血压杂志 | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
47 | The prevalence of hypertension in Chinese adolescents aged 15-17 years: A comparison of different criteria | Journal of Clinical Hypertension | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
48 | Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction and cardiovascular disease in different ambient air pollution conditions: A prospective cohort study | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
49 | Associations of road traffic noise with cardiovascular diseases and mortality: Longitudinal results from UK Biobank and meta-analysis | Environmental Research | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
50 | Hypertension-mediated organ damage and established cardiovascular disease in patients with hypertension: the China Hypertension Survey, 2012-2015 | Journal of Human Hypertension | 2022-06-06 | 王增武 |
51 | The prevalence and characteristics of metabolic syndrome according to different definitions in China: a nationwide cross-sectional study | BMC Public Health | 2023-07-04 | 王增武 |
52 | Prevalence of Heart Failure Stages in the General Population and Implications for Heart Failure Prevention: Reports from the China Hypertension Survey 2012-2015 | Eur J Prev Cardiol | 2023-05 | 通讯作者 |
53 | Air pollution is associated with abnormal left ventricular diastolic function: a nationwide population-based study | BMC Public Health | 2023-01 | 通讯作者 |
54 | Socioeconomic inequalities in dementia burden related to high body mass index, 2005-2018: findings from 1.25 million Chinese adults | Lancet Reg Health West Pac | 2023-04 | 通讯作者 |
55 | Cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality associated with individual and combined cardiometabolic risk factors | BMC Public Health | 2023-01 | 通讯作者 |
56 | Prognostic implications of heart failure stages among Chinese community populations: insight from a nationwide population-based study | Lancet Reg Health West Pac | 2024-04 | 通讯作者 |
57 | Association Between the Improvement of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Hypertension Prevention and Blood Pressure Control-A Cluster Randomized Controlled Study | Am J Health Promot | 2024-04 | 通讯作者 |
# | 成果类型 | 项目/专利/新品种名称 |
1 | 作为主创人员获得授权的发明专利和新品种 | 循环核酸作为高血压和冠心病标志物的应用 |
2 | 作为主创人员获得授权的发明专利和新品种 | 循环核酸作为高血压、糖尿病和高血脂标志物的应用 |
3 | 作为主创人员获得授权的发明专利和新品种 | 医疗连续性服务系统 |
4 | 出版高水平专著 | 高血压病学——从基础到临床、从指南到实践 |
5 | 出版高水平专著 | 临床血压学 |
6 | 出版高水平专著 | 高血压患者自我管理问答 |
7 | 出版高水平专著 | 西藏与新疆地区慢性心肺疾病现状调查项目:论文集 |
8 | 出版高水平专著 | 高血压学 |
9 | 出版高水平专著 | 西藏与新疆地区慢性心肺疾病现状调查项目:数据册 |
10 | 出版高水平专著 | 基层高血压诊疗知识汇编 |
11 | 出版高水平专著 | 西藏与新疆地区慢性心肺疾病现状调查项目:实施剪影 |
12 | 出版高水平专著 | 基层血脂异常治疗知识汇编 |
13 | 出版高水平专著 | 人群队列与精准预防 |
14 | 出版高水平专著 | 农村心脑血管病诊疗技术集成 |
15 | 出版高水平专著 | 心血管病实践: 评估和治疗(第2版). |
16 | 出版高水平专著 | 美国心脏康复和二级预防项目指南(第4版) |