

Personal Information

  • 性别:男
  • 导师类型:博导
  • 职称:教授、主任医师
  • 该职称任职时间:1995


Contact Information

  • 所属院系:北京协和医院
  • 所属专业:
  • 邮箱 : zhao8028@263.net
  • 工作电话 : 010-69155818


Personal Profile

赵玉沛,北京协和医院名誉院长,中国科学院院士,外科学教授、主任医师。现任中华医学会会长、外科学分会主任委员、全国胰腺外科学组组长,转化医学国家重大科技基础设施(北京协和)主任,疑难重症及罕见病全国重点实验室主任。2011年当选为中国科学院院士。中国共产党第十八、十九届中央候补委员。 历任北京协和医院副院长、院长,中央保健委员会副主任(副部长级),第九届中国科学技术协会副主席,中华医学会副会长、常务副会长,第十六届亚洲外科学会主席等。《中华外科杂志》总编辑、《Journal of Pancreatology》主编及十余种外科杂志的总编和名誉总编;国际外科学院、美洲外科学院、英格兰皇家外科学院及香港外科学院“Honorary Fellowship”、爱丁堡皇家外科学院“Fellowship Ad Hominem”。 倡导胰腺疾病多学科诊疗模式,牵头制定了中国胰腺癌诊治指南和中国胰岛素瘤诊治指南,带领团队在普外科尤其是胰腺疾病领域作出了系统性和开创性贡献。先后荣获国家科技进步二等奖两项、北京市科技进步一等奖、中华医学科技进步一等奖及何梁何利基金科学与技术进步奖、卫生部有突出贡献中青年专家、全国五一劳动奖章等荣誉。


Team Profile

赵玉沛教授作为临床外科专家,带领团队通过艰苦的努力,做出了突出贡献。提出“胰腺癌高危人群”概念,有效促进高危人群尽早就诊和医务人员减少误诊。提出并建立“胰腺癌诊治绿色通道”,规范了胰腺癌诊治流程。率先在国内建立胰腺疾病会诊中心,通过多学科诊疗(MDT)模式使病人尽早得到最佳的治疗方案。对于合理利用医疗资源、提高手术成功率具有重要意义。通过完善手术适应证、规范手术切除范围和强化围手术期处理,使胰腺癌切除手术死亡率及并发症发生率明显降低。创立了经空肠胃造瘘术,其创伤性小,操作简单,避免了留置胃管所带来的多种并发症,明显改善了患者术后生活质量。他领导的课题组对胰腺内分泌肿瘤的诊断和手术治疗进行了系列的临床研究,成功完成了我国首例经腹腔镜胰岛素瘤摘除术,率先在国内开展机器人胰岛素瘤手术,目前已成功实施100余例,明显减轻了剖腹手术给患者带来的创伤,缩短了手术和住院时间。 赵玉沛教授大力倡导建立胰腺疾病诊治中心和胰腺外科专业队伍。针对胰腺癌诊治中的难点问题进行了相关基础研究,引领全国胰腺外科同道,共同推动了全国胰腺外科的进步和发展。牵头制定了中华医学会胰腺癌诊治指南和卫生部胰腺癌诊治的国家行业标准。带领全国16家胰腺外科中心,承担了国家863、973、科技支撑计划和行业专项基金等重大科研课题,就胰腺癌诊治中存在的重大问题开展前瞻性临床研究,搭建了全国胰腺癌诊治技术平台。他先后承担国家和省部级科研课题20余项,发表论著300余篇,荣获国家科技进步二等奖、中华医学科技进步一等奖及何梁何利基金科学与技术进步奖。

  • 研究方向Research Directions
  • 在校研究生Current Graduate Students

硕士研究生 1 名,博士研究生 10 名

  • 科研项目Research Projects
# 项目名称 起止日期 金额 项目类型 本人角色
1化疗诱导胰腺星形细胞转录重编程介导胰腺癌耐药的旁分泌机制研究2017-01-18 —— 2020-12-16主持在研的国家或省部级科研项目主持人
2OLR1/c-Myc/HMGA2轴在胰腺癌化疗耐药中的作用及机制研究2020-01-01 —— 2023-12-01主持在研的国家或省部级科研项目主持人
3HIF-1调控STC1与VEGFR1的结合介导胰腺癌化疗耐药的机制研究2022-01-01 —— 2025-12-31主持在研的国家或省部级科研项目主持人
4胰腺囊性病变鉴别诊断新技术的应用研究2018-01-01 —— 2020-12-01主持在研的国家或省部级科研项目主持人
5胰腺肿瘤“四早”防治体系的建立与关键技术和策略研究2022-11-01 —— 2025-10-01主持的企业/行业委托重大项目主持人
6内分泌肿瘤基础与临床研究2017-01-01 —— 2020-12-01主持的企业/行业委托重大项目主持人
7疑难重症及罕见病协同创新研究2019-01-01 —— 2020-12-31主持的企业/行业委托重大项目主持人
8内分泌代谢类疾病的精准分型和诊疗体系研究2021-10-01 —— 2025-12-01主持的企业/行业委托重大项目主持人
  • 发表论文Papers
# 论文题目 期刊名称 发表年份 论文署名
1 The role of histone methylation in the development of digestive cancers: a potential direction for cancer managementSignal Transduct Target Ther2020-08通讯作者
2Targeting hypoxic tumor microenvironment in pancreatic cancerJ Hematol Oncol2021-01通讯作者
3Preliminary exploration of potential molecular therapeutic targets in recurrent and metastatic parathyroid carcinomasINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER2018-10通讯作者
4Integrated analysis of gene expression and methylation profiles of novel pancreatic cancer cell lines with highly metastatic activityScience China-Life Sciences2019-03-13通讯作者
5When to Introduce Three-Dimensional Visualization Technology into Surgical Residency: A Randomized Controlled TrialJournal of Medical Systems2019-03-01通讯作者
6Profiling analysis of long non-coding RNA and mRNA in parathyroid carcinoma Endocrine-Related Cancer2019-02-01通讯作者
7WT1 associated protein promotes metastasis and chemo-resistance to gemcitabine by stabilizing Fak mRNA in pancreatic cancerCANCER LETTERS2019-04-01通讯作者
8Clinicopathologic and prognostic significance of MKK4 and MKK7 in resectable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.HUMAN PATHOLOGY2019-04-01通讯作者
9Long noncoding RNA GSTM3TV2 upregulates LAT2 and OLR1 by competitively sponging let-7 to promote gemcitabine resistance in pancreatic cancer.Journal of Hematology & Oncology2019-08-16通讯作者
10Circular RNA profile of parathyroid neoplasms: analysis of co-expression networks of circular RNAs and mRNAsRNA Biology2019-06-18通讯作者
11Early detection of cognitive impairment in patients with insulinomaENDOCRINE2019-09-01通讯作者
12Single-cell RNA-seq highlights intra-tumoral heterogeneity and malignant progression in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomaCELL RESEARCH2019-09-01通讯作者
13Identification of a Nine-Gene Signature and Establishment of a Prognostic Nomogram Predicting Overall Survival of Pancreatic CancerFRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY2019-09-01通讯作者
14Pancreatic cancer-educated macrophages protect cancer cells from complement-dependent cytotoxicity by up-regulation of CD59Cell Death & Disease2019-11-01通讯作者
15Whole-genome sequencing reveals distinct genetic bases for insulinomas and non-functional pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours: leading to a new classification systemGUT2020-05-01通讯作者
16Fibroblast activation protein alpha-positive pancreatic stellate cells promote the migration and invasion of pancreatic cancer by CXCL1-mediated Akt phosphorylationANNALS OF TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE2019-10-01通讯作者
17CXCL5 overexpression predicts a poor prognosis in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and is correlated with immune cell infiltrationJOURNAL OF CANCER2020-02-01通讯作者
18The influence of surgical extent and parafibromin staining on the outcome of parathyroid carcinoma: 20-year experience from a single institute.Endocrine Practice2019-07-15通讯作者
19Immunocyte density in parathyroid carcinoma is correlated with disease relapseJOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION2020-03-01通讯作者
20High expression of Cancer-Derived glycosylated immunoglobulin g predicts poor prognosis in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.Journal of Cancer2020-02-03通讯作者
21Cancer-derived immunoglobulin g: A novel marker for differential diagnosis and relapse prediction in parathyroid carcinoma.CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY2020-05-01通讯作者
22High Expression of MUC15 Is Correlated with Poor Prognosis of Pancreatic Cancer and Promotes Migration, Invasion, and Chemo-Resistance In VitroMEDICAL SCIENCE MONITOR2020-10-01通讯作者
23Glutathione S-Transferase Mu-3 Predicts a Better Prognosis and Inhibits Malignant Behavior and Glycolysis in Pancreatic CancerFRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY2020-08-01通讯作者
24The genomic profile of parathyroid carcinoma based on whole-genome sequencingINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER2020-11-01通讯作者
25Transducin-Like Enhancer of Split-1 Inhibits Malignant Behaviors in vitro and Predicts a Better Prognosis in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma1Frontiers in Oncology2020-05-05通讯作者
26Identification of prognosis-related genes and construction of multi-regulatory networks in pancreatic cancer microenvironment by bioinformatics analysisCANCER CELL INTERNATIONAL2020-07-01通讯作者
27CREPT serves as a biomarker of poor survival in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomaCellular Oncology2020-10-01通讯作者
28Three-Dimensional Visualization Technology Used in Pancreatic Surgery: a Valuable Tool for Surgical TraineesJOURNAL OF GASTROINTESTINAL SURGERY2020-04-01通讯作者
29Impact of ischemia on sample quality of human pancreatic tissuesPANCREATOLOGY2020-03-01通讯作者
30Matrix Metalloproteinase 11 as a Novel Tumor Promoter and Diagnostic and Prognostic Biomarker for Pancreatic Ductal AdenocarcinomaPANCREAS2020-07-01通讯作者
31Combined blockade of TGf-beta 1 and GM-CSF improves chemotherapeutic effects for pancreatic cancer by modulating tumor microenvironmentCANCER IMMUNOLOGY IMMUNOTHERAPY2020-08-01通讯作者
32 Metformin inhibits pancreatic cancer metastasis caused by SMAD4 deficiency and consequent HNF4G upregulationProtein & Cell2020-07-31通讯作者
33Integrative Genomic Analysis of Gemcitabine Resistance in Pancreatic Cancer by Patient-derived Xenograft ModelsCLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH2021-06-13通讯作者
34Risk factors and prevention of postoperative pancreatic fistula after insulinoma enucleation:a retrospective study from a high-volume centerPANCREATOLOGY2021-06-05通讯作者
35Interleukin-17 activates and synergizes with the notch signaling pathway in the progression of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomaCANCER LETTERS2021-06-28通讯作者
36Quantitative assessment of the diagnostic role of mucin family members in pancreatic cancer: a meta-analysisAnnals of Translational Medicine2021-02-01通讯作者
37HIF-1α-regulated stanniocalcin-1 mediates gemcitabine resistance in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma via PI3K/AKT signaling pathwayMOLECULAR CARCINOGENESIS2022-07-04通讯作者
38High-resolution Hi-C maps highlight multiscale 3D epigenome reprogramming during pancreatic cancer metastasisJournal of Hematology & Oncology2021-08-04通讯作者
39Construction of a prognostic model with histone modification‑related genes and identification of potential drugs in pancreatic cancerCancer Cell International2021-06-05通讯作者
40A randomised, multicentre trial of somatostatin to prevent clinically relevant postoperative pancreatic fistula in intermediaterisk patients after pancreaticoduodenectomyJOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY2021-08-28通讯作者
41Identification and Validation of Constructing the Prognostic Model With Four DNA Methylation-Driven Genes in Pancreatic Cancerfrontiers in cell and developmental biology2021-09-07通讯作者
42Comprehensive Analysis of Autophagy-Associated lncRNAs Reveal Potential Prognostic Prediction in Pancreatic CanceFrontiers in Oncology2021-05-07通讯作者
43S100A2 Is a Prognostic Biomarker Involved in Immune Infiltration and Predict Immunotherapy Response in Pancreatic CancerFrontiers in Immunology2021-11-23通讯作者
44Early Drain Removal is Safe in Patients With Low or Intermediate Risk of Pancreatic Fistula After Pancreaticoduodenectomy A Multicenter, Randomized Controlled TrialANNALS OF SURGERY2022-02-01通讯作者
45Convergence between germline and somatic mutations in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumorsEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY2022-05-01通讯作者
46Association between Temporal Glycemic Change and Risk of Pancreatic Cancer in Men: A Prospective Cohort StudyCANCERS2022-07-13通讯作者
47Construction of immune-related signature and identification of S100A14 determining immune-suppressive microenvironment in pancreatic cancerBMC CANCER2022-08-11通讯作者
48Construction of a novel model based on cell-in-cell-related genes and validation of KRT7 as a biomarker for predicting survival and immune microenvironment in pancreatic cancerBMC CANCER2022-08-16通讯作者
49Epigenetic reprogramming-induced guanidinoacetic acid synthesis promotes pancreatic cancer metastasis and transcription-activating histone modificationsJOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL & CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH2023-06-28通讯作者
50Surgical Treatment for Postprandial Hypoglycemia After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass: a Literature ReviewOBESITY SURGERY2021-04-01通讯作者
51Mechanisms of obesity- and diabetes mellitus-related pancreatic carcinogenesis: a comprehensive and systematic reviewSignal Transduction and Targeted Therapy2023-03-24通讯作者
52Mind the tributary of the canal: Are stents necessary for insulinoma enucleation in proximity to a prominent Duct of Santorini: A case report and literature reviewMEDICINE2022-10-28通讯作者
53Human microbiota colonization and pancreatic ductal carcinomaCRITICAL REVIEWS IN MICROBIOLOGY2022-08-04通讯作者
54Imaging Features for Predicting High-Grade Dysplasia or Malignancy in Branch Duct Type Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm of the Pancreas: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY2021-09-23通讯作者
55Novel technologies in cfDNA analysis and potential utility in clinicCHINESE JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH2021-12-31通讯作者
56Advances in the epidemiology of pancreatic cancer: Trends, risk factors, screening, and prognosisCANCER LETTERS2021-06-30通讯作者
57Application of multiomics sequencing and advances in the molecular mechanisms of pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasmsCANCER LETTERS2021-01-28通讯作者
58GSTM3 Function and Polymorphism in Cancer:Emerging but PromisingCancer Management and Research2020-10-01通讯作者
59Pancreatic head cancer: Open or minimally invasive pancreaticoduodenectomy?CHINESE JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH2019-12-01通讯作者
60Reprogramming of amino acid metabolism in pancreatic cancer:recent advances and therapeutic strategiesFrontiers in Oncology2020-09-01通讯作者
61Mucins in pancreatic cancer: A well-established but promising family for diagnosis, prognosis and therapyJournal of Cellular & Molecular Medicine2020-08-01通讯作者
62Tumor microenvironment in chemoresistance, metastasis and immunotherapy of pancreatic cancerAmerican Journal of Cancer Research2020-07-01通讯作者
63Novel discoveries targeting gemcitabine‐based chemoresistance and new therapies in pancreatic cancer: How far are we from the destination?Cancer Medicine2019-10-01通讯作者
64Pancreatic Cancer, Gut Microbiota, and Therapeutic EfficacyJournal of Cancer2020-02-01通讯作者
65Metabolism of pancreatic cancer: paving the way to better anticancer strategiesMolecular Cancer2020-03-01通讯作者
66Role of the microbiome in occurrence, development and treatment of pancreatic cancerMolecular Cancer2019-12-01通讯作者
67Role of the complement system in the tumor microenvironmentCancer Cell International2019-11-01通讯作者
68MicroRNA-27a (miR-27a) in Solid Tumors: A Review Based on Mechanisms and Clinical ObservationsFRONT ONCOL2019-09-01通讯作者
69Research progress on CD-169-positive macrophages in tumorsAm J Transl Res2020-05-31通讯作者
70The enhancement of glycolysis regulates pancreatic cancer metastasisCELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LIFE SCIENCES2019-08-20通讯作者
71Expression, function and clinical application of stanniocalcin-1 in cancerJOURNAL OF CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE2020-05-01通讯作者
72Cell-in-Cell-Mediated Entosis Reveals a Progressive Mechanism in Pancreatic CancerGASTROENTEROLOGY2023-12-01通讯作者
73SQLE promotes pancreatic cancer growth by attenuating ER stress and activating lipid rafts-regulated Src/PI3K/Akt signaling pathwayCell Death & Disease2023-08-04通讯作者
74Application of metagenomic sequencing of drainage fluid in rapid and accurate diagnosis of postoperative intra-abdominal infection: a diagnostic studyInternational Journal of Surgery2023-09-01通讯作者
75Cyst fluid glycoproteins accurately distinguishing malignancies of pancreatic cystic neoplasmSignal Transduction and Targeted Therapy2023-10-18通讯作者
76Uncovering chromatin accessibility and cancer diagnostic potential via cell-free DNA utilizationScience Bulletin2024-04-08通讯作者
77Local resection for solid pseudopapillary neoplasms of the pancreas shows improved postoperative gastrointestinal function and reduced mental stress: a multiquestionnaire survey from a large cohortInternational Journal of Surgery2023-12-01通讯作者
78Comprehensive Analysis of Bulk and Single-Cell Transcriptomic Data Reveals a Novel signature Associated with Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress, Lipid Metabolism, and Liver Metastasis in Pancreatic CancerJournal of Translational Medicine2024-04-29通讯作者
79The impacts of exposure to risk factorsduring youth on the increasing global trend of early-onset pancreatic cancerPUBLIC HEALTH2024-04-03通讯作者
80Preoperative pancreatic stent placement before the enucleation of insulinoma located in the head and neck of the pancreas in proximity to the main pancreatic duct: study protocol for a multicentre randomised clinical trial in Chinese tertiary medical centresBMJ Open2024-04-02通讯作者
81ABCD1 as a Novel Diagnostic Marker for Solid Pseudopapillary Neoplasm of the PancreasAMERICAN JOURNAL OF SURGICAL PATHOLOGY2024-04-03通讯作者
82Crosstalk between metabolic remodeling and epigenetic reprogramming: A new perspective on pancreatic cancerCANCER LETTERS2024-04-10通讯作者
83Mutant Kras co-opts a proto-oncogenic enhancer network in inflammation-induced metaplastic progenitor cells to initiate pancreatic cancerNature Cancer2021-01通讯作者
  • 科研获奖Research Awards
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  • 研究成果Research Findings
# 成果类型 项目/专利/新品种名称